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Outdoor Practice with a Stretch Band


Initial Consultation

This first visit is our favorite because you'll have the time to discuss your injury journey with your doctor of physical therapy and we'll have a better opportunity to serve you on your road to better health and performance. 

What to expect:

  • We treat the whole body and not just an issue in isolation

  • We care about our clients’ long-term health and how we can have an impact in that journey

  • We will plan and design your performance program to help you achieve your goals

  • We will provide you with a clearer picture of what's going on and what our best medical recommendation would be

  • We will give you a roadmap of the amount of time it will take us to get you to your end goal

  • We will provide physical therapy treatment that will help you get out of pain faster

  • We will get you started with the specific exercises you need to get moving in the right direction.

You don't have to worry about receiving cookie cutter or hand-out exercises!


Your 55-65 minute one-on-one session may include:

  1. Dry needling

  2. Hands-on manual treatment (joint and muscle)

  3. Active release techniques (ART)

  4. Joint mobilization

  5. Joint manipulation, "adjustment"

  6. Cupping

  7. 'Banded joint flossing'

  8. Myofascial release

  9. Breathing techniques

  10. Therapeutic exercise

Treatment is individualized and centered around your goals and performance needs. 

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